Here's a very depressing but very realistic summary of the current outlook on retirement. My 401(k) has lost about 1/3 of it's value. But I'm lucky because I'm 29 and have only been saving for 6 years. I hope I get most of that money back. But with the way the stock market is changing, should I still invest? Or has this whole idea of retirement been just a complete sham? It feels like it has been. I have no trust for anyone in management. I feel completely disillusioned. There is no hope for change, because all you end up with is a compromise that is not what you wanted to begin with.
Why Baby Boomers Suck:
I am a member of Generation Y. The generation that wants is all, that deserves it all. The generation that did get it all. We are a generation that thinks we all deserve trophies at the end of Little League, even though our team is 1-7. We are the generation that has multiple valedictorians not because they are all smart, but because our terrible education system just couldn't say No and pick just one. I detest Generation Y.
As a son of parents born in 1955, I am a product of a generation that grew up listening to stories about the horrors of WWII, but didn't have to experience anything remotely like that War. Its a generation that began to come of age during the so-called counter culture of the late 60's. It's ironic to think back to that generation. Rebelling against authority, then carrying that rebellious nature through the 70's until the previous generation is finally on the way out in the 80's and unleashing all that pent up energy in every conceivable way. It's where we are now.
The Environment is trashed. The economy is trashed. The past 30 years, my lifetime has been one huge fuck-up. If anything, the baby boomers will be known as the generation of huge rewards with no responsibility. All marketing with no substance. What has been presented to us is the packaged bacon in the store, and what is hidden is the huge pig farm, slaughterhouse and genetic pig engineering which is the actual reality and truth.
I feel like we have passed the point of no return. I feel like my son is going to grow up into a world of nothing but mess. I feel very ashamed to be a part of all this. We call this civilized society. This is not civilized. This is just as gory and messy as the African Savannah. If God is watching, he's got to be thinking that things have really gotten out of hand in a very bad way.
Listen to This: The Race To Ban Abortion
2 years ago