Republicans finally caved and stopped filibustering the Dodd Bill for financial reform. It can now go to the Senate floor for debate. That's right. This wasn't a filibuster for passage. It was a filibuster to PREVENT the bill from even getting on the floor. Why??? NOBODY (aside from Wall Street, it's lobbyists, and Libertarians who have their heads up their ass) likes Wall Street right now. Stopping financial reform is about as popular as killing kittens. This makes the Republicans look bad and look like they are in the pocket of Wall Street. I know that both parties get a TON of money from Wall Street, but even Democrats are smart enough to not stop this.
Onto the LINKS.
Matt Yglesias has a great take on why people in this country keep saying "Freedom!" but then do everything they can to prevent others from having freedom.
Elizabeth Warren on why consumer protection is a good idea. How can anyone disagree with this? "Oh, hey, THANKS for taking me to the cleaners with my home loan! Please Sir, Can I have another?!?!"
Simon Johnson and James Kwak (authors of the excellent 13 Bankers book) on why Bank Reform is needed.
Slate's The Big Money shatter's the idea that Wall Street isn't playing with our money when they do their bets. I found the argument quite convincing.
Listen to This: The Race To Ban Abortion
2 years ago