Friday, March 4, 2011

Reagan liked unions

I'm not sure that Reagan was that great of a president. His legacy is certainly being exploited by today's conservatives, who like to cherry pick his actions and ignore the things he did that go against current conservative ideology (raising taxes). This quote from his Labor Day speech in 1980 is no different:
"These are the values inspiring those brave workers in Poland ... They remind us that where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost." -
Makes you wonder about the reality we are being fed.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

If Republican Ideology ran a house

First, they would max out the credit cards buying TVs and take out dinners. (borrow)

Second, they would either quit their job or get fired (tax cuts)

Third, they would then blame the spouse and kids for eating and wearing clothes (spending and anti-union)

Then, they would say that this situation isn't their fault and if they were in charge, things would be different.

That's what is happening in Wisconsin. Tax cuts worsen the state's revenue, then they blame the opposition party's supporters for causing the pain (unions) then they blame everyone else. WHY doen't people understand this? America, you are not getting it.

Sure, some things unions do are ridiculous (YOU can't move that forklift that is blocking your desk, YOU aren't a machinist. ONLY I can move that, but I'll move it when I'm good and ready.) But I work in a corporation, and it's all PROCESS PROCESS PROCESS. Process for the SAKE of Process. Not to make things better, or do things faster. (YOU can't use that tool, because we spend millions on THIS tool. I don't care if our tool is junk, USE IT.)

I firmly believe that when you get a bunch of human beings together in ANY large organization (government or company) you will have mess and waste. That's AMERICA. If you want absolute efficiency, go to China.

UPDATE: Great post by David Frum at FrumForum.

Someday, today’s 20-somethings will call their elders to account.

They will say:

“We faced the worst economic shock since World War II – and you accepted it as a problem without a solution.

“You lamented burdening us with debt, even as you refused to consider economic policies that might enable us ever to pay it.

“You worried over non-existent inflation even as we spent years out of work.

“As we lost our start in life, you protected Medicare for yourselves.

“You condemned us to a half-decade of idleness, then reproached us as video-game-playing slackers.”

UPDATE 2: In a delicious bit of irony, Chuck Koch is advocating that we look to Canada as a model of conservativism. Mitt Romney also singled out Canada at CPAC. WTF??? I thought Canada was evil, with all those REGULATIONS and SOCIALIST HEALTHCARE. MORONS!!! I may be going sour on Obama and his total intellectual capture of WallStreet, but I don't know if I will EVER vote Republican again with these douchebags acting like they know what they are talking about. Yuck.