Monday, January 21, 2013

Does the GOP get it?

It's been a few months, but nothing has changed. The GOP seems to want to doom itself. They lose another presidential election, lose seats in the Senate, and hold onto the House because of gerrymandering and redistricting. Yet the most vocal in the party still think they have sway. They don't.

Here's why I won't vote for the current GOP:
  1. This is the biggest bunch of sore losers I have ever seen. They LOST, yet they whine about  how they don't get much respect. Four years of hate spewing disrespect for the President and they just keep going at it like it's the right thing to do. No thanks.
  2. Trying to use the debt limit as a negotiation tactic is wrong. It's  wrong to vote for a budget (or continuing resolution or whatever they do to get money out the door in this current era of deadlock) that spends more than the government takes in, then refuse to pay for the bill by taking out debt. CONGRESS spends money, not the President. Yet the current leadership says the debt limit increase should be like an allowance. Why is it OK for anyone in government pass off this kind of ignorant behavior as acceptable? They KNOW how the system works. Pandering to a perceived idiot constituency is disrespectful to every citizen and way too cynical for someone in national office.
  3. Thinking that a government shutdown would show the President who is in charge is just dumb. Didn't work in 1995, didn't work in 2011 and it won't work now. 

No thanks, GOP. You have lost 5 of the last 6 presidential elections, and you will lose again. Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, the Tea Party, and old people is not the way forward.