Under Wyden's plan, employers would no longer provide health coverage, as they have since World War II. Instead, they'd convert the current cost of coverage into additional salary for employees. Individuals would use this money to buy insurance, which they would be required to have. Private insurance plans would compete on features and price but would have to offer benefits at least equivalent to the Blue Cross "standard" option. Signing up for insurance would be as easy as ticking off a box on your tax return. In most cases, insurance premiums would be withheld from paychecks, as they are now.
He now has a new from posted on his website. It looks about the same, just updated with new dollar numbers. His plan only covers %70 of costs and doesn't address catastrophic events where the %30 would wipe out a family's financial plan, but I think he has a lot going for him.
The current plans are quite bad in terms of cost-containment but are quite good for short-term political gain. Let's stop going for the short-term gains and try and have some long-term vision. Mr. Wyden is doing that, and he has my support.
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