Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Healthcare myths and truths

After his great article on Goldman Sachs, Mr. Taibbi takes a look at healthcare. s

Daniel Gross has some great gems in his Slate piece today:

Funny how you don't hear any complaints from worthies about taxpayer-funded health insurance when it's covering them, their staffs, and their loved ones. For many of these people, especially the older ones, there literally is no affordable alternative. Insurance companies prefer to insure healthy people, not sick people—that's how they make money. And older people are more likely to run into health trouble requiring expensive care. Dick Armey, who is suing to get out from under the tyranny of Medicare, is apparently under the illusion that insurance companies are really eager to cover 69-year-old men at a low cost. House Minority Leader John Boehner is a 59-year-old smoker whose skin has an orange hue. What do you think Aetna would charge him per month for a good policy?

UPDATE: So I heard part of the radio interview that Obama did today with Michael Smerconish and one of the questions asked was why has Congress stated that they won't join the public plan if it does get passed, that they will keep their current health care plan. Obama danced around this and mentioned that he wants to do something similar with his "health care exchanges". Now what he didn't say, is that that the reason Congress won't join is because their plan is really good, and the fact is, their plan is Single Payer. Who pays and negotiates premiums for Congress? The Federal Government! Shocker!! Does Senator Grassley realize this? Single Payer people!!!

Crosscut blog with an article by a doctor who has worked in both American and Britain.

In other news, today in Obama's webinar with his volunteers, he stated that the public option will be one of the options avaiable to people who don't currently have health insurance. Sounds like they are back on message.

UPDATE II: What You Need To Know About Healthcare

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