Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Only comedy can bring light to the truth

If you've ever wondered how the subprime crisis happened, and how Wall Street works, John Bird and John Fortune are DEAD ON. You HAVE to ignore what CEOs and Public Officials are explaining. It is not in their interest to explain the truth. It's sad to know that it takes a couple of comedians to distill all the fluff and bogus complexity into this.

And here's another bit, except this is just entirely too funny and not connected to anything.

And now back to how things work. This time it is explained how CDOs and CDSes are put together:

People in the audience are laughing, but they should be crying. This is their money these people are playing with. Their pension funds, their 401(k)s, their investments. The end of the second part is telling, with the 50's speaker guy saying how awesome capitalism is and how it is incorrect to think that capitalism leads to concentrations of wealth if the fundamentals of capitalism are maintained. We have gotten to where we are today BECAUSE the fundamentals of capitalism have not been maintained. The fundamentals have been distorted and changed to precisely enhance the wealth of the well-off. American today is not practicing capitalism for all. We have socialism for the wealthy and capitalism for everybody else.

On a completely different not, why DOESN'T the IRS do my taxes for me? There should be a law that makes them. Oh, wait there IS a proposal to do just that!

Whenever I hear that we can't cut defense spending because we are at war, but we should be cutting spending in other areas, I just can't agree. If this is what some of our defense dollars are being spent on, let's just not spend the money.

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