Friday, September 11, 2009

Cash for Chunkers

David Brooks liked the speech, but he sees the changes as being ways to expand the current system, not fix it. Hard to argue with that.

David Frum has 4 great ideas on how to fix health care. One idea: Let's get thin! This has a huge amount of merit for me, as America is the fattest nation in the world. Our incidence of diabetes is climing, heart disease is a huge killer, and a lot of this is preventable if we would just eat less. The NYT agrees, too. Of course, getting Americans to get thin could mean going after the American food industry, which has WAY more money than health care companies. Plus that could mean looking at government subsidies for corn (AKA high-fructose corn syrup) that is in almost everything we eat. That is a sticky situation! Ta-da bah! So I propose a government program similar to the highly successful Cash for Clunkers. It would encourage people to get healthy through direct tax breaks. First, you would have to prove you are unhealthy by showing that your doctor says so. (The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one) then you show a program that you and you doctor have set up to improve your health. Then you would submit reports each month showing that you are following your plan and that it is working. After you reach certain targets, you can either recieve a direct cash subsidy or deduct from your taxes the equivalent amount, with a cap at, oh $5k or something. Cash for Chunkers! How about that?

On a completely different note, David Frum goes after Glenn Beck for attacking Cass Sunstein. Beck seems to be high from his last czar hunt, in which he seems to have been partly responsible for the resignation of the so-called 'green jobs czar'. This is why I like David Frum. He is not afraid to call out the fringe loonies on both the left and right.

Free Movie: Super-size me:

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