Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pay now not later

For Republicans (or anybody really) to lambast Obama for spending money, then refuse to support a tax increase to pay for wars that they support is the height of hypocrisy and doesn't deserve my vote or respect. Bruce Bartlett agrees.

The Medicare Commission, which could do some serious cost control has been seriously weakened in recent weeks. I love these politicians of ours. They rail against health care reform, point out how wasteful Medicare is, then prevent any attempts to rein in the waste. Morons! Morons! Morons! How the heck is it right that people who do such dumb things get rewarded, but the rest of us gets screwed? I keep having Bill O'Reilly's confrontational interview question bounce around in my head, "Why do you hate America?" Well, it's because of people like you, Mr. O'Reilly. The more I learn about how this country works, the less hopeful I am for the future. I'm not kidding.

Frontline's latest program examines the history and direction of credit cards. Good stuff.

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