Friday, August 14, 2009

Conservatives I agree with (mostly)

If the conservative leadership were are sensical as David Brooks and David Frum, then I think we could have a very great debate in this country. We could disagree, but still be friends at the end of the day. We would not agree with each other on everything, but I think it would be safe to say that the country would be a lot better off and we would not be so divided. Of course, this means that the extreme left would have to get sense as well, don't get me wrong. But I read David Brooks regularly, and until tonight I wasn't as familiar with Mr. Frum, but I'm now a fan.

While I disagree with some of Mr. Frum's ideological stands, he is a very calm voice from the right. Here he is on tonight's Bill Moyer's Journal, aking a great point: What happens if thealth care reform dies? How do that help the conservative cause? This country WILL be consumed by Medicare and Social Security spending and nothing else in 2 decades. The deficiet will explode. How does that not hurt conservatives?

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